A Girl's Life in a Gaming World

Chapter 7: Latecomers

*Pant! *Pant! *Pant!

Alexandria arrived near her school with slightly heavy breathing. Because of how fast she had sprinted from her home to her school. Alexandria can only run because the creations of cars or any vehicles that will pollute the surrounding air are banned by the world leader formerly called Archeon Corporation. It is now called Archeon Government.

The only means of transportation, right now are through walking, running, or by bicycle.

Arriving outside of her school gate, Alexandria was so shocked because what greeted her was a crowd of students standing outside the closed school gates.

Alexandria moved closer to the crowd and poked the back of the random student in front of her.

*Poke! *Poke!

"Excuse me?"

*Poke! *Poke!

The female student turned around and faced Alexandria. The girl has long black hair and golden eyes as bright as the sun and has almost the same height as Alexandria, only slightly shorter.

"Excuse me? Can I ask you some questions?" Alexandria asked.

"Yes?" The female student answered.

"I am just wondering, it is 8:00 am already. All of us are already late. So why aren\'t you guys entering the school and just standing around here?" Alexandria asked.

"Actually, the principal is the one who told the guards to close the gates at 8:00 am once the general assembly ended. Because the principal is so enraged as only around 20% of the students enrolled attended the general assembly. That is why all of us are just standing around here, waiting for the principal. So all the students you see here, including you and I, are latecomers." The female student explained.

"What?" Shocked by the female student\'s explanation

Alexandria asked, "How the heck did so many students even arrived very late?"

"Why are you even asking me when you also arrived very late?" The female student replied.

Alexandria scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Well, all of us probably have the same reason for being late. We all got used to an online class schedule where even if we wake up at 7:30 am. We won\'t be late since we only need our gadgets. Others also said that they had a hard time walking from their home to the school." The female student continued.

"Okay, thank you." Alexandria thanked the female student. She then turned around and went to find some benches to sit on.

"You\'re welcome." The female student replied.

"How long are we going to wait in here, anyway?" Alexandria annoyingly mumbled as she gets her phone and played some games to pass the time.


Some time passed, and 9:00 am came. The school principal finally ordered the guards to open the gates after scolding the students for a couple of minutes, subsiding his anger.

"Ahhh, finally." Seeing the gates opening up, Alexandria quickly followed the crowd as she still needed to find her classroom.

She first went to the school\'s office to get the room number of her classroom.

Staring at the paper given by the school\'s office, Alexandria was disappointed with the number on the piece of paper. It shows room 777, indicating that her room\'s location is on the 7th floor of the school building. "I guess the number 777 won\'t always be a lucky number." Alexandria mumbled as she started walking towards the stairs.

Alexandria walked in the hallway of the 7th floor of the school building while carrying the paper with the room number on it.

Alexandria reads out loud the room number of each room she passes.

"Room 770, 771, 772... 775,776, Ahhh, here it is, room 777." Alexandria found her classroom.

"Wow!! It\'s so boisterous inside." Alexandria exclaimed outside her classroom as she can hear the boisterous atmosphere inside the room.

*Knock! *Knock! Alexandria opened the door after knocking. She sees her homeroom teacher that looks like a woman in her mid-30s with short black hair, brown-eyes while wearing black-colored eyeglasses.

"So who\'s the next person introducing?" The teacher asked her students.

But she then sees someone opening the door. It was Alexandria entering the classroom.

The teacher then called her. "Ahh! Perfect timing, you are probably the last student for this class since there is only one seat left. And since you are already here at the front, and we are in the middle of introducing ourselves, why don\'t you introduce yourself." Her teacher said.

Her classmates observed Alexandria as she walks beside her teacher.

"Wow!! She looks like a model." A male student whispered to his seatmate.

"Look! Look! Her body is so well-built I wonder what she does." A female student also whispered to his female friend.

"Arghh! Why am I so unlucky today. Misfortunes just kept on happening one after the other?" Alexandria mumbled to herself while recalling the unlucky things that happened to her today.

"I woke up very late. I forgot my wallet. I waited for over an hour at the school gate, my classroom is on the 7th floor without an elevator, and now I get to introduce myself the moment I entered the classroom." Alexandria thought, complaining in her head.

"Good morning, classmates, good morning, miss—?" Alexandria greeted while asking for her homeroom teacher\'s name.

"Maria, my name is Maria." Her teacher answered.

"Good morning, miss Maria. My name is Alexandria Athena D. Arturia. My mother named me Athena, hoping that I become a strong and wise person. 18-years old, living in Dragon Vale street. My hobbies are playing games and going to the gym. I also do many kinds of martial arts. That\'s all Miss Maria." Alexandria finished introducing herself.

"I wonder what games she plays?" A male student whispered to his seatmate.

"Wow!! A female martial artist, are martial arts that good? For her to have a well-built body? I think I\'ll try it out." A female student.

"Thank you, Alexandria. You may take your seat. So who\'s next?" Miss Maria said while finding the next student to introduce himself/herself.

After ending her introduction, Alexandria looked around the classroom to find where she would sit. And there she found her childhood friend and gaming buddy Ezekiel in the left-most corner of the room beside the windows second to the last row, of the last column.

Behind Ezekiel was the last empty seat in the classroom. Alexandria was shocked because besides the vacant seat is the female student Alexandria asked at the school gates.

Alexandria moved towards Ezekiel and the female students.

"Good morning, Ezekiel." Alexandria stopped beside Ezekiel to greet him.

"Good morning, Alex." Ezekiel greeted back.

"You arrived very late I told you last night that we shouldn\'t have continued killing that boss since we still have classes, yet you still insisted." Ezekiel scolded Alexandria for being late.

"It is because you kept on trolling last night. That is why it took us almost an hour only to kill a boss that is killable in just 15 minutes." Alexandria rebutted.

"We just wasted an hour just to get a bunch of trash loots." Alexandria continued.

"Your RNG luck always sucks, hahaha." Ezekiel teased Alexandria\'s luck and laughed lightly so that the teacher won\'t hear it.

"My luck is---." Before Alexandria can continue, her teacher called out to her. "Miss Alexandria! Why are you still standing there?"

"Sorry, ma\'am." Alexandria apologizes to Miss Maria. She then gave Ezekiel a threatening glare before taking a seat.

"Hi, my name\'s Alexandria. I never thought that we would be classmates." After taking a seat, Alexandria greeted her seatmate.

"Hello, I also never thought that we would be classmates at the same time, seatmates." The female student replied.

"My name is Samantha G. Archeon." Samantha introduced herself.

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